Designing a Therapeutic Light Peg Board to Help Autistic Family Member Communicate Non-Verbally

My family member who suffers from autism spectrum disorder inspired me to create a therapeutic light peg board. She struggled with verbal communication and was prone to behavioral outbursts. After observing her positive response to a brightly lit LED toy, I used my engineering experience, developmental psychology knowledge, and degrees to create a small, durable and lightweight peg board. During an outburst, I presented the prototype to her, and it immediately calmed her down. She began to play, and for the first time, she expressed her needs through non-verbal cues using the removable pegs. The peg board became a therapeutic device that helped treat several disorders.

The response on social media platforms was overwhelmingly positive, with many businesses, entertainment communities, daycare centers, and therapists expressing interest in this innovative sensory light therapy device. I teamed up with a medical team, conducted competitive analysis and brainstormed with electricians and shipping agents to make the models bigger, brighter while maintaining safety and durability. With a provisional patent in place, the new and improved giant interactive light wall is now available to help others communicate non-verbally and improve their quality of life.

Informative Image
Giant Interactive Light Art, STEM learning, at

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